• News

  • Amongst the Best Lawyers in Germany

    We are happy about the selection of our partners Sascha Abrar and Oliver Löffel by Handelsblatt / Best Lawyer for inclusion in the 13th Edition (2022) of The Best Lawyers for Intellectual Property in ...

  • brand 1 ranking: Löffel Abrar belongs to the best commercial law firms in Germany

    Löffel Abrar has been selected by its peers and clients for inclusion in ‘Best Commercial Law Firms’ in 2021 (‘Beste Wirtschaftskanzleien 2021’) for Trademark and Design law, p...

  • Among The Best Lawyers in Germany

    Dr. Sascha Abrar and Oliver Löffel have been ranked as “Best Lawyers in Germany 2021”, presented by the US Best Lawyers in cooperation with German HANDELSBLATT....

  • One Of The Best Commercial Law Firms Germany (business magazine brand eins)

    Löffel Abrar has just been included in the Best Commercial Law Firms list published by German business magazine brand eins (edition16/2020, Trademarks and Designs, Germany). Thank you to all clients a...

  • Dr. Sascha Abrar again listed by WTR 1000

    Dr. Sascha Abrar again listed by WTR 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals 2020 Dr. Sascha Abrar has again been listed as a recommended expert by World Trademark Review 1000 – The World’s...

  • Blog

  • Season’s Greetings & Happy Holidays

    Dear clients and colleagues, It is hard to believe that our litigation Boutique founded 2013 -informally known as „LA“ (Juve) or „LA Law“- celebrates its 10th birthday this year! Thank you for the cooperation, the support, the partnership and trust i...

  • New requirements for price information in Germany

    On 28 May 2022 the amended version of the German Preisangabenverordnung (PAngV – Price Indication Regulation) has entered into force. The amended law includes some relevant changes in the German law – possibly also for your business. The new Price In...

  • German country report on company names, trade names and other identifiers

    German country report on company names, trade names and other identifiers, written by Sascha Abrar, just published by Marques Marques Trade name project: Germany and Czech Republic country reports: “The MARQUES Unfair Competition Team has publi...

  • Company names, trade names and other business identifiers – MARQUES-study on lack of harmonization

    Sascha Abrar co-chaired a study on company names, trade names and other business identifiers, conducted and published by the MARQUES Unfair Competition Team. The study is summarized by HouseMARQUES, Issue 106, October 2019, as follows:   “There is gr...

  • Germany: Scope of cease and desist orders – To recall, or not to recall?

    There is a discussion in Germany whether an infringer who has received an injunction has to actively recall the products. And the German recall-saga continues, as the Higher Regional Court (OLG) of Düsseldorf has just recently decided in an unfair co...