• Blog Archive

Season’s Greetings & Happy Holidays

Dear clients and colleagues, It is hard to believe that our litigation Boutique founded 2013 -informally known as „LA“ (Juve) or „LA Law“- celebrates its 10th birthday this year! Thank you for the cooperation, the support, the partnership and trust in our firm. We look...

New requirements for price information in Germany

On 28 May 2022 the amended version of the German Preisangabenverordnung (PAngV – Price Indication Regulation) has entered into force. The amended law includes some relevant changes in the German law – possibly also for your business. The new Price Indication Regulation does not provide...

German country report on company names, trade names and other identifiers

German country report on company names, trade names and other identifiers, written by Sascha Abrar, just published by Marques Marques Trade name project: Germany and Czech Republic country reports: "The MARQUES Unfair Competition Team has published two more reports as part of its project on company names,...

Company names, trade names and other business identifiers – MARQUES-study on lack of harmonization

Sascha Abrar co-chaired a study on company names, trade names and other business identifiers, conducted and published by the MARQUES Unfair Competition Team. The study is summarized by HouseMARQUES, Issue 106, October 2019, as follows:   “There is great divergence in the law on trade names,...

Germany: Scope of cease and desist orders – To recall, or not to recall?

There is a discussion in Germany whether an infringer who has received an injunction has to actively recall the products. And the German recall-saga continues, as the Higher Regional Court (OLG) of Düsseldorf has just recently decided in an unfair competition matter that the obligation...

Sascha Abrar on Kluwer Trademark Blog: Broad protection of company and trade names against trade marks in Germany

In Germany, an opposition or a court action against a German trade mark can be based not only on a senior trade mark but also on a senior domestic or foreign company name or trade name. Dr. Sascha Abrar investigates for Kluwer Trademark Blog that...